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We teach and inspire you to be great
pet parents and pet siblings!

Pet Parenting 101 | Learn How to Become a Better Pet Parent

Pet Parenting Refers to Taking Care of a Fur Baby As If It Were Your Own Child

Pet Parenting involves providing food, water, shelter, medical care, and emotional support to meet the Fur Baby’s basic needs. Additionally, Pet Parenting involves spending time, playing, and teaching the Fur Baby to help them become a well-behaved, well adjusted and socialized member of the family. Pet Parenting also includes taking responsibility for the Fur Baby’s behavior and ensuring its safety and well being at all times. Your Fur Baby needs and wants boundaries. This tells them they are loved.

Want to Improve Your Pet Parenting Skills?

While it’s easy to get used to having a bundle of furry joy around, it can be overwhelming to understand if you’re giving them the correct level of care. Our Pet Care Basics 101 Courses will show you everything you need to know fur a happy, healthy, Fur Baby!

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care for a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101 Courses.

Now Enrolling For Classes!

Become Better Pet Parents and Pet Siblings Today!

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

We turn pet owners and pet siblings into Pet Parents and Pet Siblings by ensuring they are fully educated and hold a Pet Care Certification before they can adopt.

We teach you how to care for your Fur Baby using the right approaches, techniques, and knowledge.

Our passionate staff has designed 4-week in-person classes to offer you the infurmation you’ve always wanted to know prior to adopting at Pet Care Basics 101.

Make the responsible choice; educate yourself on how to care for a Fur Baby the right way with Pet Care Basics 101.

Pet Parenting is a Responsibility That Needs be Taken Seriously

When it comes to being a Pet Parent, there are a few things that are essential to keep in mind. Pet Parenting is a responsibility that needs to be taken seriously, and it is important to ensure that you are providing the best care possible for your Fur Baby. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips to help you become a better Pet Parent.

The first thing that you need do as a Pet Parent is to ensure that your Fur Baby is getting proper nutrition. This means that you want be feeding your Fur Baby a well-balanced diet that caters to their individual needs. Consult your veterinarian, as well as doing your own research and/or come to the classes at Pet Care Basics 101 Courses to learn about the differences in food for your Fur Baby, and always monitor their weight to ensure that they are not becoming overweight or underweight.

Their Care Needs To Be Your Priority

Another important part of being a Pet Parent is providing your Fur Baby with proper exercise. This not only helps them maintain a healthy weight, but also keeps their muscles and bones strong. Take your Fur Baby for a walk, play fetch, or engage in other activities that they enjoy. This will help keep them in great physical shape, entertained and happy, as well as give you both a closer bond.

Regular veterinary check-ups are also essential to ensure your Fur Baby stays healthy. During these visits, your Fur Baby  will be given a check-up and any necessary vaccinations. Additionally, you always want keep an eye on any changes in behavior, any lumps and bumps when you pet, massage or touch his body or routines and address them with your Fur Baby’s doctor.

Return Their Love 10 Fold

Lastly, it is important to show love and affection to your Fur Baby.  Spend quality time with them, rub their back, give them a massage, talk to them, and provide them with lots of attention. This demonstrates to your Fur Baby that they are valued and loved, and helps them feel more secure.

Attached is a link to Dorothy Law Nolte’s poem, “Children Learn What They Live”. This poem is amazing whether you are teaching two-legged or four-legged children.

In closing, being a Pet Parent is a huge responsibility, but it brings so much joy and love into our lives. As long as you ensure that your Fur Baby is getting proper nutrition, exercise, veterinary care, and love, you are on the right path to being a great Pet Parent. Remember to cherish the time you have with your Fur Baby, as it truly is a precious gift that you never want to take for granted. No matter how much time we have with them, it’s always too short.

Responsible Pet Parenting Starts Here!

From Body Language to Diet - Pet Care Basics 101 Covers it All!

We Teach and Inspire You to be Great Pet Parents and Pet Siblings!

The driving force behind Pet Care Basics 101 is our love and Passion for Fur Babies. We want to see Fur Babies who leave shelters and rescues brighten the homes of educated and responsible Pet Parents and Pet Siblings. This is why we’ve created the Pet Care Basics 101 Courses.

When you and your family are considering adding a Fur Baby to your family fur the first time, seasoned Pet Parents and/or Pet Siblings, or just want to improve your Fur Baby’s quality of life, these Courses will show you the way to give your Fur Baby a long Life full of Happiness and Comfort.

Make the responsible choice and show your furry family members how much you Love them. Learn how to prevent costly illnesses, when to take your Fur Baby to the doctor, understand your Fur Baby’s body language and more!

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